European Language Industry before and after CV19 webinar recording
More than a thousand language industry professionals working in companies, as freelance linguists and in academia registered to join the webinar to present the findings of the 2020 European Language Industry before and after COVID-19.
The research was the product of a long-standing collaboration between the European Language Industry Association (Elia), the European Masters in Translation (EMT), the European Union of Associations of Translation Companies (EUATC), Fédération Internationale des Traducteurs Europe (FIT Europe), Globalisation and Localization Association (GALA) and the Language Industry Platform (LIND).
The webinar was moderated by EUATC General Secretary Geoffrey Bowden with expert panellists Rudy Thirry, the EUATC’s lead on research studies, Annette Schiller, Chair FIT Europe, John O’Shea, Board member FIT Europe and langugage industry researcher, Konstantin Dranch. Inkaliisa Vihonen, Senior policy officer at Directorate General Translation (DGT) was a last minute substitute for Rytis Martikonis, Director General DGT.